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Question #1 :What is the minimum no. of Members required for a Minor Irrigation Group?
A: 3 B: 5
C: 7 D: 10
Answer: B
Question # 2 When the Ashoka Mehta Committee was constituted?
A: 1975 B: 1976
C: 1977 D: 1978
Answer: C
Question # 3 :What is the Minimum no. of Members required for SHG?
A: 5 B: 10
C: 15 D: 20
Answer: B
Question #4 :What is the Maximum no.of Members required for SHG?
A: 5 B: 10
C: 15 D: 20
Answer: D
Question #5 :What is the Minimum no. of Members for a handicapped Group?
A: 5 B: 7
C: 10 D: 12
Ans: A
Question #6 :As per Guidelines what %age of SC/ST Swarozgaris are to be covered under SGSY
A: 15.00% B: 25.50%
C: 33.33% D: 50.00%
Ans: D
Question #7 :What is the maximum Revolving Fund can be Granted to a SHG?
A: 5000 B: 10000
C: 15000 D: 20000
Answer: B
Question #8 :What is the minimum Revolving Fund can be Granted to a SHG?
A: 5000 B: 10000
C: 15000 D: 20000
Ans: A

Question #9 :What is maximum Capital Subsidy to a General Caste individual Swarozgari?
A: 5000 B: 7500
C: 15000 D: 20000
Answer: B
Question #10 :What is maximum Capital Subsidy to a SC/ST individual Swarozgari?
A: 5000 B: 7500
C: 10000 D: 15000
Ans: C
Question #11 :What is maximum Capital Subsidy to a Phy. Handicapped individual Swarozgari?
A: 5000 B: 7500
C: 10000 D: 15000
Ans: C
Question #12 :What is maximum Capital Subsidy can be granted to a SHG?
A: 50000 B: 75000
C: 125000 D: 150000
Ans: C
Question #13 :What is maximum Capital Subsidy can be granted to a Group having 5 General Caste Members and 5 SC/ST Members?
A: 50000 B: 75000
C: 100000 D: 125000
Answer: D
Question #14 :What percentage of APL Members are permitted in a SHG under SGSY
A: 10% B: 15%
C: 20% D: 30%
Ans: C
Question #15 :A SHG can consist of
A: All the Male Members B: All the Female Members
C: Male and Female mixed D: All
Ans: D
Question #16 :A SHG can consist of
A: All the SC/ST B: All the General
C: Mix of SC/ST and General D: All
Ans: D
Question #17 :When was the Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yoajan launched?
A: 1st April, 1999 B: 26th January, 1999
C: 2nd October, 1999 D: 15th August, 1999
Ans: A
Question #18 :As per Guidelines what %age of Minorities Swarozgaris are to be covered under SGSY
A: 5.00% B: 10.00%
C: 15.00% D: 25.50%
Answer: C
Question #19 :As per Guidelines what %age of Phy. Handicapped Swarozgaris are to be covered under SGSY
A: 2% B: 2.5%
C: 3% D: 5%
Answer: C
Question #20 :The First Grading of the SHG is to be done after the a period of
A: 3 months B: 6 months
C: 9 months D: 12 months
Answer: B
Question #21 :The Second Grading of the SHG is to be done after the a period of
A: 3 months B: 9 months
C: 12 months D: 18 months
Ans: C
Question #22 :Grading of the SHGs are done by
A: District Rural Development Agency B: National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development
C: BDPO D: Committee Consisting Members of all the above
Ans: D
Question #23 :What is the annual income criteria of BPL family under SGSY in Rural Area?
A: 20,000 B: 22,000
C: 25,000 D: 30,000
Ans: B
Question #24 :Who can be the Members of the SHG under SGSY?
A: BPL Families in Rural & Urban B: Only Rural BPL Families
C: Only Urban BPL Families D: Mix of All
Answer: B
Question #25 :Rate of Interest for Internal Landing is decided by
A: Office Bearer of the SHG B: Landing Bank
C: DRDA D: Group Members
Answer: D
Question #26 :Minimum locking period for adjustment of subsidy in the loan is
A: 2 years B: 3 years
C: 4 years D: 5 years
Ans: B
Question #27 :Monthly Saving Amount for a SHG is
A: Rs. 50 per month fixed B: As decided by the Group Members
C: Rs. 100 per month fixed D: As decided by DRDA
Answer: B
Question #28 :Preferred periodicity of the Saving in a Group
A: Daily B: Once in a Week
C: Once in a Fortnight D: Once in a Month
Answer: B
Question #29 :Preferred periodicity of the Meeting of the Group Members
A: Weekly B: Fortnightly
C: Monthly D: Quarterly
Answer: A
Question #30 :Type of the Bank Account opened by the SGH
A: Saving Account B: Current Account
C: Fixed Deposit Account D: Recurring Account
Ans: A
Question #31 :SHGs Bank Account can be operated by
A: President and one Member of the Group B: Secretary and one Member of the Group
C: Any two persons authorized by the Group D: Any two Member of the Group
Answer: C
Question #32 :Collateral Security not require for a SHG Group Loan
A: Upto Rs. 3 Lacs B: Upto Rs. 5 Lacs
C: Upto Rs. 10 Lacs D: Upto Rs. 12 Lacs
Ans: C
Question #33 :Who formed the SHGs
C: Banks D: All
Answer: D
Question #34 ::What is the full form of SGSY?
A: Swaranjayanti Gramin Swarozgar Yojana B: Swaranjanhit Gram Swarozgar Yojana
C: Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana D: Swaranjayanti Gram Sahayak Yojana
Ans: C
Question #35 :SGSY Programme is implemented by
A: Ministry of Panchayati Raj B: Ministry of Rural Development
C: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment D: Ministry of Agriculture
Answer: B
Question #36 :The expenditure under SGSY is shared between Centre and State Government in the Ratio of
A: 50:50 B: 25:75
C: 75:25 D: 80:20
Ans: C
Question #37 :As per Guidelines expenditure permitted for Training and Skill Development of the total funds
A: 5% B: 7.5%
C: 10% D: 15%
Ans: C
Question #38 :As per Guidelines expenditure permitted for creation of infrastructure of the total funds
A: 10% B: 15%
C: 20% D: 30%
Ans: C
Question #39 :Cost of insurance of the assets financed to SHG is to be borne by
A: DRDA B: Swarozgaris
C: Banks D: All
Ans: D
Question #40 :A loan availed by the Group can be re-paid in
A: Monthly Installment B: Quarterly Installment
C: Half-Yearly Installment D: Any of above as convenient
Ans: D
Question #41 :The role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in SGSY is
A: Identification of BPL Families for SHGs B: Release of Revolving Funds to SHGs
C: Release of Capital Subsidy to SHGs D: Monitoring Functioning of SHGs
Ans: A
Question #42 :Periodicity of Block Level SGSY Committee Meeting is
A: Monthly B: Fortnightly
C: Quarterly D: Bi-Monthly
Ans: A
Question #43 :Periodicity of District Level SGSY Committee Meeting is
A: Monthly B: Fortnightly
C: Quarterly D: Bi-Monthly
Ans: C
Question #44 :Who is the Chairman of Block Level SGSY Committee?
A: Chairperson of Panchayat Samiti B: BDPO
C: Lead Bank Manager D: Social Education & Planning Officer
Answer: B
Question #45 :Economic Activities to be undertaken by a group is decided by
A: District Rural Development Agency B: BDPO
C: Office Bearers of the Group D: All Members of the Group
Answer: D
Question #46 :When was the Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yoajan launched?
A: 1st April, 1999 B: 26th January, 1999
C: 2nd October, 1999 D: 15th August, 1999
Answer: A
Question #47 :When the Panchayati Raj System was inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in Nagaur?
A: 1956 B: 1957
C: 1958 D: 1959
Answer: D
Question #48 :When the Balvantray Mehta Committee submitted its report?
A: 1956 B: 1957
C: 1958 D: 1959
Answer: B
Question #49 :What is the purpose of formation of SHG Group?
A: Creating of habit of saving among the poor B: For internal landing purposes
C: To provide self employment and set up micro enterprises D: All
Answer: D
Question #50 :How many tiers did Ashoka Mehta Committee suggest?
A: Single tier B: Two tier
C: Three tier D: Four tier
Answer: B

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